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We will cover some (or all!) of the bill

elevate your efficiency challenge

We are no stranger to helping our business customers maximize energy efficiency. Our standard custom grants for efficiency retrofits can cover up to 70 percent of a project’s total cost.

But we’re launching something special for 2020–21. It’s an energy-efficiency challenge that will award select customers custom grants covering up to 100 percent of their project cost. It’s a big deal (literally!) and deserves a name of its own, so we’ve dubbed it…The Elevate your Efficiency Challenge.

Incentive levels
  Standard Retrofit Incentives The Elevate your
Efficiency Challenge Incentives
Custom Grant Electric kWh Incentive Maximum Incentive $0.35
70% of Project Cost
100% of Project Cost
Custom Grant Natural Gas Therm Incentive Maximum Incentive $5.00
70% of Project Cost
100% of Project Cost
Here’s how it works

PSE business customers submit their project proposals, keeping in mind that grants will be awarded based on several criteria, including cost-effectiveness, the number of energy-efficiency measures undertaken and the total savings in energy consumption upon completion of the project.

You can make your retrofit project as big or small as you want, tackling measures ranging from refrigeration, water heating and compressed air to building controls and process improvements. The possibilities are endless, and so are the potential benefits.

This challenge will result in multiple winners, some of which may receive grants covering 100 percent of their project cost. Awards will be based on cost effectiveness, amount of total energy savings and percentage of savings relative to overall facility usage. Other factors in the selection are the level of detail in the energy analysis and likelihood of completion by December 3, 2021. All projects must be able to be completed by Dec. 3, 2021.

Step 1 – Download the APPLICATION

Step 2 – Learn challenge details by downloading the RFP

Step 3 – Email your completed application to

Questions?: email us

Key dates

Completed Grant Proposals due by:
Winners notified by:
Projects Completed By:

December 1, 2020
December 31, 2020
December 3, 2021

Eligible customers
  • PSE Electric (Retail Wheeling and Special Contracts are not eligible)
  • Natural Gas Business Customers
  • Transport Natural Gas customers cannot qualify for this funding

Eligible measures

Custom Retrofit Electric savings or Natural Gas savings measures are eligible. Lighting and Commissioning measures are excluded from this challenge. Measures where a PSE rebate exists are not eligible. Photovoltaic Solar installations are not eligible.

Measure examples

Compressed Air
Water Heating
Industrial Processes

Building Thermal Improvements
Variable Frequency Drives
Downsizing Equipment

Building Controls
Process Improvement
Water and Wastewater Systems

Evaluation criteria Include, but are not limited to:
  • Cost Effectiveness
  • Ability to complete by December 2021
  • Number of measures (more is better)
  • Percentage of energy savings (higher is better)

Tariff Rate Schedules

Energy Efficiency