Current resource planning process
Integrated System Planning consolidation request approved
On July 11, 2024 the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission approved PSE’s request to consolidate our Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP) into a single Integrated System Plan (ISP) due on Jan. 1, 2027. PSE is rapidly shifting focus towards the new ISP and will provide additional details soon.
Additional information can be found under Commission Dockets 240433 and 240434.
Enhanced Public Engagement Approach for 2025 IRP
PSE is using an enhanced engagement approach for the 2025 IRP cycle building on the success of other PSE processes. Through this enhanced process we aim to create more and better spaces for meaningful engagement in our resource planning process. The 2025 IRP engagement process will have two integrated participation tracks:
- A formal Resource Planning Advisory Group (RPAG) convened to advise PSE on an array of technical resource planning matters, including the IRP
- Public virtual meetings to discuss and solicit public feedback on key topics related to PSE’s resource planning work
Why Make Changes Now?
During the 2023 Electric Progress Report and Gas Utility IRP cycle we initiated an intentional process to integrate equity into the planning process. One of our commitments was to continue that work and more deeply integrate equity in future IRPs. To do this, we need to evolve our public participation approach to be more inclusive of participants that have not traditionally been a part of energy planning conversations. Additionally, we received feedback from numerous interested parties, including Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Commission) staff, encouraging us to:
- Evaluate and improve outreach efforts with a focus on increasing the number and diversity of participants
- Make a concerted effort to solicit meaningful feedback during IRP development with a focus on groups who have been poorly represented historically
- Implement new engagement pathways that support dialogue with interested parties
An improved public participation approach will help us hear from more and diverse interested parties and create spaces for meaningful changes to how we receive and use feedback. At the same time, technical and specialty advisors expressed a need for more spaces where technical information can be shared and discussed in more detail than can occur in other public conversations. Therefore, PSE is moving forward with changes to improve inclusiveness by providing more and diverse opportunities for meaningful input.
What is the Resource Planning Advisory Group?
For the 2025 IRP cycle, the RPAG will be asked to provide expert technical input to support PSE’s energy resource planning as a whole and to deliver an IRP that meets regulatory requirements outlined in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 480-100-620, WAC 480-100-625, and WAC 480-100-630.
The RPAG will consists of members with technical professional expertise in energy resource planning related matters. Members were selected by PSE, in consultation with independent advisors, through an open application process based. For additional information about the RPAG selection process and current members, please see this memo outlining selection methodology.
How can the public participate?
All interested parties are invited to observe RPAG meetings and each meeting will include an opportunity for public comment. Interested parties may also submit written comments prior to or within one week of each meeting utilizing our online feedback form or by emailing A summary of public comments will be compiled and shared with RPAG members after the comment period ends.
To expand participation opportunities, PSE will hold virtual public meetings and solicit public feedback on key resource planning topics during the 2025 IRP cycle. Please visit our Get Involved page for information about upcoming meetings, meeting materials, and ways to participate.