Info you can access from anywhere
This page gives PSE employees and their families access to certain information and services from anywhere on the Web.
PSE health benefits
The PSE Benefits Service Center website, UPoint, is your resource to make enrollment changes and to find information on your benefits, such as plan booklets. Go to to login with your secure user ID and password.
Leaves and accommodations
How PSE can help
The Leaves & Accommodations programs provide assistance when obligations, health, or personal issues impact your ability to work.

Contacts and Forms
Contacts and forms for absence reporting and other matters related to leaves and accommodations.
Job Modifications & More
Information about job modifications, including transitional duty and reasonable accommodations.

Returning to Work
An employee checklist for returning to work following a medical leave of absence.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Employees who enter an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment program may be eligible for coverage under PSE’s benefits plan for short term disability as well as family medical leave.
Long Term Disability
Information about Long Term Disability and how an approval impacts your PSE benefits.